Civil Society Mechanism Public panels and side events at the CFS44
The Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) for relations to the 44th UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is organising the following events. If you are attending the CFS44 make a note of the following:
Public Panel 1:
“The political situation and the future of the CFS: Roles and Positions of Civil Society and the Rome-Based Agencies”
7 October, 9:00-11:00, Green Room, FAO HQ
Public Panel 2:
“The struggles for human rights and the right to food and nutrition –
What role for the CFS?”
8 October, 16:30-18:00h, Green Room,FAO HQ
Side Events
Tuesday 10 of October 2017 18.00-19.30 Philippines Room
Reclaiming healthy and sustainable diets as a public good. Public policies and investments on nutrition as critical instruments to guarantee human rights and redress the livelihoods, environmental, health and fiscal implications of food systems (CSM Working Group on Nutrition)
Wednesday 11 of October 2017 08.30-10.00 Iran Room
Women’s roles and rights in situations of food crises, famines and conflict. How can the international community, particularly the CFS, better respond to food crises and emergencies? How to strengthen women’s rights and struggles in the midst of crises and conflict? (CSM Working Group on Women and CSM Working Group on Protracted Crisis and CSM Working Group on Food Crisis)
Thursday 12 of October 2017 18.00-19.30 Philippines Room
Global Hearing of the Landless. How to effectively secure and institutionalize the Land Rights of the Landless Poor? (CSM Landless Constituency)
Friday 13 of October 2017 13.00-14.30 Philippines Room
Visions for the CFS 2022. How do we envision the CFS in 5 years? What are the ways to get there? (CSM Working Group on Global Food Governance)
Friday 13 of October 2017 8.30-10.00 Red Room
Agribusiness Mega-Mergers’ Threat to World Food Security. Updates, scenarios and how the CFS can respond (Facilitated by ETC)
More information at: