Mapping UK Government thinking on Globalisation, Agriculture and Environment
Report by Mark Tilzey, 2000
This research report proposes to identify, explore and critique key sources of theoretical and policy influence underlying UK government thinking on globalisation, trade liberalisation and sustainable development. Focussing particularly on DFID, but also DTI, MAFF and DETR (FCO?) advice to government and specifically with reference to agriculture, food and the environment, this paper:
- Identifies key texts and assumptions underlying government thinking
- Re-examines key theoretical axioms that these texts/assumptions embody and critically appraises empirical data employed to support such axioms
- Delineates alternative theoretical paradigms that appear to have greater explanatory power in respect of the dynamics of economic development and its environmental/social impacts
- Delineates alternative and credible policy frameworks to address environmental and social sustainability issues, drawing on these non-conventional paradigms