Saving for a dry-day. The role of Self-help Groups in building resilience

Tearfund organised a learning event last September 5th to launch its publication Saving for a dry-day highlighting the results of six research studies commissioned to assess the impact of Tearfund’s approach to Self-Help Groups programming on people living in poverty in the Horn of Africa. Research was undertaken by a variety of external evaluators and institutions, including the ODI, Tufts University and Trinity College London. Each study generated learning and recommendations relevant to all organisations supporting – or seeking to support – SHG programmes in poverty reduction and building resilience and food security among poor communities.

Tearfund has been working with SHGs in Ethiopia since 2002, using a model inspired by Myrada, India. Their local partner, Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC), supported by Tearfund, introduced the approach into their programming with five SHGs. By 2016 there were over 20,000 Tearfund-supported SHGs across Ethiopia. Other countries within East and Southern Africa also have adopted this model.

The full 6 research papers can be downloaded here.  Two of the reports of special interest are:

Weingartner L, Pichon F, Simonet C (2017) How self-help groups strengthen resilience: A study of Tearfund’s approach to tackling food security in protracted crises in Ethiopia

Van Hulst-Mooibroek (2017) Final Evaluation of the SHG/Food Security Programme, Horn of Africa 1 April 2014 – 31 March 2017 (PDF 3.7 MB)